Nicki I'Anson (F)

Personal Bests

Equip Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots
Raw 325.1 281.1 451.9 970 413.06
Wraps 413.3 1082.4 461.50
Single 413.3 308.6 421 1129.8 481.23
Multi 374.8 253.5 363.7 992 404.78

Competition Results

Place Fed Date Location Competition Division Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots
1 USPA 2019-10-05 USA-CA Old Skool Iron Classic Masters 50-54 53 Raw 198 191.3 187.4 198.4 -209.4 198.4 81.56
1 USPA 2019-05-04 USA-CA Stanislaus County Open Open 53 Raw 198+ 199.4 225.9 225.9 91.18
1 USPA 2019-03-16 USA-CA Pacific Coast Open Open 52 Raw 198+ 200.9 225.9 225.9 90.87
1 USPA 2018-07-12 USA-NV National Championships Masters 50-54 52 Raw 198 188.7 407.8 407.8 168.72
1 USPA 2018-07-12 USA-NV National Championships Masters 50-54 52 Raw 198 188.7 214.9 214.9 88.92
1 USPA 2018-02-17 USA-CA Pacific Coast Open Masters 50-54 51 Raw 198 190.3 325.1 326.2 134.43
1 USPA 2018-02-17 USA-CA Pacific Coast Open Masters 50-54 51 Raw 198 190.3 209.4 209.4 86.29
1 USPA 2017-03-24 USA-CA California State Powerlifting Championships Open 50 Wraps 181 178.5 303.1 181.8 407.8 892.8 379.27
1 USPA 2017-03-24 USA-CA California State Powerlifting Championships Masters 50-54 50 Wraps 181 178.5 303.1 181.8 407.8 892.8 379.27
1 USPA 2016-07-08 USA-NV National Powerlifting Championships Masters 50-54 50 Wraps 181 177.9 385.8 181.8 446.4 1014.1 431.57
1 USPA 2016-07-08 USA-NV National Powerlifting Championships Open 50 Wraps 181 177.9 385.8 181.8 446.4 1014.1 431.57
DQ USPA 2016-03-18 USA-CA California State Powerlifting Championships Open 49 Wraps 181 173.9 -407.8
DQ USPA 2016-03-18 USA-CA California State Powerlifting Championships Masters 45-49 49 Wraps 181 173.9 -407.8
1 IPL 2015-11-12 USA-NV World Powerlifting Championships Masters 45-49 49 Wraps 181 177.9 413.3 132.2 451.9 997.6 424.53
1 IPL 2015-11-12 USA-NV World Powerlifting Championships Open 49 Wraps 181 177.9 413.3 132.2 451.9 997.6 424.53
1 USPA 2015-07-10 USA-NV National Powerlifting Championships Masters 45-49 49 Wraps 181 177.2 391.3 244.7 446.4 1082.4 461.50
2 USPA 2015-07-10 USA-NV National Powerlifting Championships Open 49 Wraps 181 177.2 391.3 244.7 446.4 1082.4 461.50
1 USPA 2015-03-27 USA-CA California State Powerlifting Championships Masters 45-49 48 Wraps 181 181.8 369.2 243.6 429.9 1042.8 439.11
1 USPA 2015-03-27 USA-CA California State Powerlifting Championships Open 48 Wraps 181 181.8 369.2 243.6 429.9 1042.8 439.11
1 IPL 2014-11-05 USA-NV World Powerlifting Benchpress and Deadlift Championships Open 48 Raw 181 180 429.9 435.4 429.9 181.90
1 IPL 2014-11-05 USA-NV World Powerlifting Benchpress and Deadlift Championships Masters 45-49 48 Raw 181 180 429.9 435.4 429.9 181.90
1 IPL 2014-11-05 USA-NV World Powerlifting Benchpress and Deadlift Championships Masters 45-49 48 Raw 181 180 242.5 242.5 102.61
1 IPL 2014-11-05 USA-NV World Powerlifting Benchpress and Deadlift Championships Open 48 Raw 181 180 242.5 242.5 102.61
DQ USPA 2014-09-19 USA-NV Mr Olympia Powerlifting Benchpress and Deadlift Invitational Open 48 Single 181 175.3 414.4 -292.1
1 USPA 2014-07-18 USA-CA National Powerlifting Championships Masters 45-49 48 Wraps 181 174.8 363.7 234.8 424.4 1022.9 439.16
1 USPA 2014-03-29 USA-CA California State Powerlifting Championships Masters 45-49 47 Raw 181 177.7 325.1 225.9 418.8 970 413.06
1 USPA 2014-03-29 USA-CA California State Powerlifting Championships Open 47 Raw 181 177.7 325.1 225.9 418.8 970 413.06
1 IPL 2013-11-06 USA-NV World Powerlifting Benchpress and Deadlift Championships Masters 45-49 47 Single 181 176.6 402.3 303.1 421 1126.5 481.19
1 IPL 2013-11-06 USA-NV World Powerlifting Benchpress and Deadlift Championships Open 47 Single 181 176.6 402.3 303.1 421 1126.5 481.19
2 USPA 2013-09-27 USA-NV Olympia Powerlifting Benchpress and Deadlift Invitational HW 47 Single 132+ 177.6 407.8 308.6 413.3 418.8 1129.8 481.23
1 USPA 2013-07-12 USA-NV National PL BP DL Championship Masters 45-49 47 Single 181 181.6 413.3 231.5 407.8 1052.7 443.52
1 USPA 2013-07-12 USA-NV National PL BP DL Championship Open 47 Single 181 181.6 413.3 231.5 407.8 1052.7 443.52
DQ USPA 2013-03-16 USA-CA California State Powerlifting Benchpress Deadlift Championship Open 46 Wraps 198 187.8 -325.1
DQ USPA 2013-03-16 USA-CA California State Powerlifting Benchpress Deadlift Championship Masters 45-49 46 Wraps 198 187.8 -325.1
1 IPL 2012-11-09 USA-NV World Powerlifting Benchpress and Deadlift Championships Open 46 Single 198 192 408.9 297.6 396.8 1103.4 452.85
1 IPL 2012-11-09 USA-NV World Powerlifting Benchpress and Deadlift Championships Masters 45-49 46 Single 198 192 408.9 297.6 396.8 1103.4 452.85
3 USPA 2012-09-28 USA-NV Olympia Powerlifting Benchpress and Deadlift Invitational HW 46 Single 198 193.6 407.8 304.2 369.2 1081.3 442.12
1 USPA 2012-06-29 USA-CA National PL BP DL Championship Open 46 Single 198 195.8 297.6 297.6 121.07
1 USPA 2012-06-29 USA-CA National PL BP DL Championship Masters 45-49 46 Single 198 195.8 297.6 297.6 121.07
1 USPA 2012-03-24 USA-CA California State Powerlifting Benchpress and Deadlift Championship Masters 45-49 45 Single 198+ 203.2 408.9 304.2 390.2 1103.4 441.60
2 USPA 2012-01-28 USA-CA American PL Cup and LA Fit Expo BP/DL Open 45 Single 165+ 203.3 407.8 292.1 369.2 1069.2 427.82
1 IPL 2011-11-30 USA-NV World PL BP DL Championships Open 45 Single 198+ 202 407.8 286.6 385.8 1080.2 433.43
1 IPL 2011-11-30 USA-NV World PL BP DL Championships Masters 45-49 45 Single 198+ 202 407.8 286.6 385.8 1080.2 433.43
1 IPL 2011-11-30 USA-NV World PL BP DL Championships Masters 45-49 45 Single 198+ 204.2 286.6 286.6 114.46
1 IPL 2011-11-30 USA-NV World PL BP DL Championships Open 45 Single 198+ 204.2 286.6 286.6 114.46
1 USPA 2011-09-16 USA-NV Olympia PL BP DL Invitational Open 45 Single 198+ 204.8 292.1 292.1 116.51
1 USPA 2011-09-16 USA-NV Olympia PL BP DL Invitational Open 45 Single 198+ 199.8 391.3 303.1 363.7 1058.2 426.62
1 USPA 2011-07-01 USA-CA National Powerlifting Single-Ply Championship & National Bench Press Championships & National Deadlift Championships & Westernstates Multiply Invitationals Masters 45-49 45 Single 198 196.4 385.8 292.1 358.2 1036.1 420.91
1 USPA 2011-07-01 USA-CA National Powerlifting Single-Ply Championship & National Bench Press Championships & National Deadlift Championships & Westernstates Multiply Invitationals Open 45 Single 198 196.4 385.8 292.1 358.2 1036.1 420.91
1 USPA 2011-05-21 USA-CA Patriot Games Powerlifting Challenge Masters 45-49 45 Raw 198 195.6 281.1 374.8 655.8 266.92
1 USPA 2011-05-21 USA-CA Patriot Games Powerlifting Challenge Masters 45-49 45 Raw 198 195.6 281.1 281.1 114.40
1 USPA 2011-05-21 USA-CA Patriot Games Powerlifting Challenge Masters 45-49 45 Raw 198 195.6 374.8 374.8 152.53
1 USPA 2011-01-29 USA-CA American Cup and Fit Expo Invitational Open 44 Single 165+ 196.8 391.3 275.5 402.3 1069.2 433.95
1 USPA 2010-12-11 USA-CA Camp Pendleton Powerlifting Championship Open 44 Multi 198 194.5 374.8 253.5 363.7 992 404.78
1 USPA 2010-12-11 USA-CA Camp Pendleton Powerlifting Championship Masters 40-44 44 Multi 198 194.5 374.8 253.5 363.7 992 404.78
1 USPA 2010-12-11 USA-CA Camp Pendleton Powerlifting Championship Open 44 Multi 198 194.5 253.5 363.7 617.3 251.86
1 USPA 2010-12-11 USA-CA Camp Pendleton Powerlifting Championship Masters 40-44 44 Multi 198 194.5 363.7 363.7 148.42
1 USPA 2010-12-11 USA-CA Camp Pendleton Powerlifting Championship Masters 40-44 44 Multi 198 194.5 253.5 253.5 103.44
1 USPA 2010-12-11 USA-CA Camp Pendleton Powerlifting Championship Masters 40-44 44 Multi 198 194.5 253.5 363.7 617.3 251.86
1 USPA 2010-12-11 USA-CA Camp Pendleton Powerlifting Championship Open 44 Multi 198 194.5 363.7 363.7 148.42
1 USPA 2010-12-11 USA-CA Camp Pendleton Powerlifting Championship Open 44 Multi 198 194.5 253.5 253.5 103.44
2 USPF 2010-09-24 USA-NV Olympia Powerlifting Invitational Open 44 Single 198 193.8 248 248 101.36
4 USPF 2010-09-24 USA-NV Olympia Powerlifting Invitational Open 44 Single 198 192.4 391.3 242.5 385.8 1019.6 418.07
1 WPF 2009-11-13 USA World Championships Masters 40-44 43 Single 198+ 198.6 242.5 259 -275.5 259 104.70
1 WPF 2009-11-13 USA World Championships Open 43 Single 198+ 199.5 352.7 385.8 407.8 220.4 231.5 242.5 336.2 374.8 402.3 1052.7 424.66
1 WPF 2009-11-13 USA World Championships Masters 40-44 43 Single 198+ 198.6 342.8 374.8 -402.3 374.8 151.48
1 USPF 2009-07-03 USA-CA Nationals Open 43 Single 198+ 199.2 391.3 220.4 380.3 992 400.48
1 USPF 2009-07-03 USA-CA Nationals Masters 40-44 43 Single 198+ 199.2 391.3 220.4 380.3 992 400.48
1 USPF 2009-03-28 USA-CA California State Championships Open 42 Single 198+ 204.5 374.8 214.9 375.9 965.6 385.39
1 USPF 2009-03-28 USA-CA California State Championships Masters 40-44 42 Single 198+ 204.5 374.8 214.9 375.9 965.6 385.39
1 USPF 2008-03-29 USA-CA California State PL BP DL Championship Open 41 Single 198+ 358.2 237 330.7 925.9
1 USPF 2008-03-29 USA-CA California State PL BP DL Championship Masters 40-44 41 Single 198+ 358.2 237 330.7 925.9
1 USPF 2008-02-16 USA-CA American PL Cup and Fit Expo BP/DL Open 41 Single 198+ 218.4 325.1 209.4 330.7 865.3 336.18
1 USPF 2007-10-06 USA-CA Central California PL BP DL Championship Open 41 Single 198+ 223.6 380.3 254.6 358.2 993.1 382.34
1 USPF 2007-10-06 USA-CA Central California PL BP DL Championship Masters 40-49 41 Single 198+ 223.6 380.3 254.6 358.2 993.1 382.34
1 USPF 2007-08-11 USA-NV National PL Championship Open 41 Single 198+ 223 374.8 253.5 374.8 1003 386.56
1 USPF 2007-08-11 USA-NV National PL Championship Masters 40-44 41 Single 198+ 223 374.8 253.5 374.8 1003 386.56
1 USPF 2007-03-31 USA-CA California State PL BP DL Championship Open 40 Single 198+ 216 242.5 242.5 94.63
1 USPF 2007-03-31 USA-CA California State PL BP DL Championship Open 40 Single 198+ 216 352.7 242.5 358.2 953.5 372.05
1 USPF 2007-03-31 USA-CA California State PL BP DL Championship Masters 40-44 40 Single 198+ 216 242.5 242.5 94.63
1 USPF 2007-03-31 USA-CA California State PL BP DL Championship Masters 40-44 40 Single 198+ 216 358.2 358.2 139.79
1 USPF 2007-03-31 USA-CA California State PL BP DL Championship Masters 40-44 40 Single 198+ 216 352.7 242.5 358.2 953.5 372.05
1 USPF 2007-03-31 USA-CA California State PL BP DL Championship Open 40 Single 198+ 216 358.2 358.2 139.79
1 USPF 2006-10-07 USA-CA Central California PL BP and DL Championship Open 40 Single 198+ 215.2 325.1 220.4 347.2 892.8 348.91
1 USPF 2006-10-07 USA-CA Central California PL BP and DL Championship Masters 40-49 40 Single 198+ 215.2 347.2 347.2 135.69
1 USPF 2006-10-07 USA-CA Central California PL BP and DL Championship Masters 40-49 40 Single 198+ 215.2 325.1 220.4 347.2 892.8 348.91
1 USPF 2006-10-07 USA-CA Central California PL BP and DL Championship Masters 40-49 40 Single 198+ 215.2 220.4 220.4 86.15
1 USPF 2006-09-09 USA-CA Venice Beach PL BP and DL Championship Open 40 Single 198+ 214.6 330.7 330.7 129.37
3 USPF 2006-09-09 USA-CA Venice Beach PL BP and DL Championship Masters 40-49 40 Single 198+ 214.6 319.6 225.9 231 330.7 876.3 342.84
2 USPF 2006-09-09 USA-CA Venice Beach PL BP and DL Championship Masters 40-49 40 Single 198+ 214.6 225.9 231 225.9 88.41
1 USPF 2006-09-09 USA-CA Venice Beach PL BP and DL Championship Open 40 Single 198+ 214.6 225.9 225.9 88.41
1 USPF 2006-09-09 USA-CA Venice Beach PL BP and DL Championship Open 40 Single 198+ 214.6 319.6 225.9 330.7 876.3 342.84
3 USPF 2006-09-09 USA-CA Venice Beach PL BP and DL Championship Masters 40-49 40 Single 198+ 214.6 330.7 330.7 129.37
1 USPF 2006-03-25 USA-CA California State Powerlifting Championship Open 39 Single 198+ 217.8 286.6 176.3 330.7 793.6 308.67
1 USPF 2006-03-25 USA-CA California State Powerlifting Championship Submasters 35-39 39 Single 198+ 217.8 286.6 176.3 330.7 793.6 308.67
1 USPF 2006-02-19 USA-CA Western USA Cup and The Fit Expo Benchpress and Deadlift Open 39 Single 198+ 219.5 270 181.8 319.6 771.6 299.19
1 USPF 2005-10-23 USA-CA Central California Open PL BP DL Open 39 Single 198+ 209 214.9 181.8 270 303 666.9 263.74
1 USPF 2005-06-11 USA-CA West Coast Benchpress and Deadlift Open 39 Single 198 197.5 192.9 192.9 78.17
1 USPF 2005-06-11 USA-CA West Coast Benchpress and Deadlift Open 39 Single 198 197.5 203.9 214.9 203.9 82.63
1 USPF 2005-03-19 USA-CA California State PL BP DL Championship Submasters 35-39 38 Single 198 197 143.2 187.2 181.7 512.2 207.80
1 USPF 2004-11-21 USA-CA Central California BP DL PL Championship Open 38 Single 198 188 137.7 137.7 57.08